There is one sure way to determine whether a particular organization is trustworthy. You must simply check them with the Better Business Bureau. This is an independent third-party organization that grades companies. They do the research and they can keep you from making a terrible mistake, which may cost you several thousands of dollars. Companies that you are looking into are not going to give you this information outright.
TV commercials and online ads are not going to give you the whole story on the quality of service of these companies. Popular companies like JK Harris and TaxMasters both have “F” ratings and have hundreds of complaints filed against them. These companies have closed down and have given the industry a bad name. It is your responsibility to choose wisely. You can also pursue BBB complaints to see which companies have garnered negative feedback. If all else fails, there is also another resourceful website The Rip-off Report, which is an independent report community by regular consumers. Any of these precautionary solutions’ is suitable for the average taxpayer.
Here are our tips for choosing a trustworthy tax resolution company.
As mentioned earlier, researching a tax resolution company with the BBB is very essential. Check their rating, years of operation, and the number of complaints they have. All these can be found on the BBB website.
The firm’s performance in resolving tax disputes, of course, should be the next but not any less important from its BBB rating. How many clients have they successfully represented? What is the total dollar amount settled against the total dollar amount of back taxes, penalties, and fines assessed?
Find out if the staff has a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist (CTRS) certification from the American Society of Tax Problem Solvers (ASTPS). ASTPS is an IRS-approved national, non-profit organization of professionals who specialize in representing taxpayers before the IRS.
An established tax resolution company must have enough professional experience in the industry. If the company has been in business for less than 5 years, take your business elsewhere.
Be very careful of any tax resolution company that guarantees results. No reputable company will tell you that they can guarantee anything. They will need to scrutinize your situation before they can give you some idea of what the end result might be.
Ask who will be specifically assigned to your case so you know there is a trail of accountability.
Direct Tax Relief is an IRS tax resolution company and has earned an “A” rating with the BBB with ZERO complaints for more than 7 years now with an average settlement record of 12 cents do a dollar.
It is very important that the people representing you before the Internal Revenue Service be professional, ethical, and have good character.