Tax Resolution Services

Innocent Spouse Relief

When you’re married, filing your taxes jointly can provide many benefits—but it can also create trouble and headaches. With Direct Tax Relief’s expertise, you can be on your way to being tax debt-free.

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For married couples, a joint tax return means that both individuals are responsible for the taxes that are owed. However, if the Internal Revenue Service determines at any point that back taxes are owed, they are authorized to go after each spouse individually. But Innocent Spouse Relief removes a spouse (or ex-spouse) from the responsibility for unpaid taxes, penalties, and interest that were acquired as a result of a joint tax filing. Depending on your situation, there are several relief programs available to a spouse that will release them of their tax liability, if approved by the IRS. Some of these programs include Innocent Spouse, Injured Spouse and Separation of Liability. The tax resolution experts at Direct Tax Relief will analyze your case and the tax laws to fit the program that matches your situation the best.

A close up image of a laughing couple.

With DTR’s Help

You can untangle complicated tax liabilities between you and your spouse.


Multiple ways to reduce or remove debt


Options for various types of situations

Woman on an online conference speaking to four other individuals.

Get Help With Innocent Spouse Relief