Our clients hire us for representation during different moments of their tax resolution cases. Some taxpayers have all their tax returns filed, but have tried for years to work out a resolution with the IRS without any success. Some find us here at Direct Tax Relief when they have several years of unfiled tax returns they need prepared. And there are those who went through an audit and then realized how serious the consequences are of not having professional representation and hired our firm to help after the fact.
No matter what your situation is, the process for tax resolution remains the same. Whether you have unfiled tax returns or back taxes owed to the IRS or State, the seasoned professionals here at Direct Tax Relief can help you.
There are many reasons why hiring a tax advisor can be beneficial. First and foremost, an expert tax advisor can save you time, money – and stress. Tax law is often very complicated, and attempting to resolve problems with the IRS or state tax agencies alone is difficult. Hiring representation gives you a valuable lifeline to help navigate fair tax solutions for your situation.
The first step in our process is a consultation with a qualified tax advisor. During this detail-oriented meeting, we’ll listen to your tax problems and create a comprehensive plan to help resolve the back taxes or unfiled tax returns. The consultation is free, confidential, and with no obligation for further services. Any information discussed during the consultation stays between the taxpayer and the tax advisor.
Once our firm is hired for representation, the next steps involve discovery, protection of assets, prevention of garnishments, contact with IRS and state tax agencies, and negotiation. If tax return preparation is required, those returns will need to be completed as well. These tasks are done to ensure that all of your relevant finances are accurately documented. During this time, your tax advisor will work with you to collect any relevant documents. It is likely you will be required to provide various documents, such as bank statements, past tax returns, and more. The time to complete these tasks will vary based on several factors for each case, including the amount owed and how many years of tax returns need to be filed.
The final step in the tax resolution process is negotiation. It takes several months of work to reach this phase, but after we complete our detailed financial analysis, we are one step closer to resolution. There are many different tax resolution solutions and programs available, including an Offer in Compromise, Installment Agreement, Currently Not Collectible, Partial Pay Installment Agreement and several more. With our thorough understanding of your financials and situation, we will review the options available and determine which tax solutions are just right for you.
If you owe more than $10,000 in back taxes or have several years of unfiled tax returns, contact the trusted experts at Direct Tax Relief today for your free and confidential consultation. We’re here to help.