Be Careful Using Cash Apps!

Beginning January 1, 2022, third party settlement organizations have a requirement to issue a Form 1099-K to payees who have business transactions of more than $600 in a calendar year. (The previous threshold was either 200 transactions or $20,000 in payments in a calendar year, but the law was updated per The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.)

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Our Tax Resolution Process

Our clients hire us for representation during different moments of their tax resolution cases. Some taxpayers have all their tax returns filed, but have tried for years to work out a resolution with the IRS without any success. Some find us here at Direct Tax Relief when they have several years of unfiled tax returns they need prepared. And there are those who went through an audit and then realized how serious the consequences are of not having professional representation and hired our firm to help after the fact.

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How The IRS Is Trying To Speed Up The Paperwork Process

Owing the IRS money is a stressful process. Adding long wait times to that process just makes the stress even worse. But, as many people have experienced recently, long wait times for tax documents processing have become a common problem. This isn’t just because the IRS wants to make you wait. They are working hard to fix the problem, even if it may not seem that way to everybody.

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How Does the IRS Offer in Compromise Program Work?

If you have ever had a tax bill you couldn’t afford to pay, don’t be swayed by false ads promising “total IRS debt forgiveness.” In most cases, complete forgiveness of tax liability — except in the case of bankruptcy — is unlikely. But don’t think that you’re out of options just yet.

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Meet Direct Tax Relief

Tax debt can be scary. Nobody wants to owe the IRS money, but sometimes it happens. And if it does happen, you don’t have to face the IRS alone. Founded in 2008 by seasoned tax professionals with wide experience and top credentials, our expert tax professionals are dedicated to helping individuals and small businesses who owe more than $10,000 in back taxes.

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